Pricing (2024-25)

Select your course, check fees, add to cart & enroll

You can buy

1. Chapter-wise Test Series (Starts from 28th Apr'24 onwards)
2. Full Syllabus Mock Board Test Series (Starts from mid-Nov.'24 onwards)
3. Stationary (UT's printed answer sheets) (optional)
4. UT's Propriety Study Material & Question Bank (Board Focused) - Courier Charges will be extra

#Download Sample Question Papers & Model Answers

You can also buy

  1. UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price). 
  2. UT’s propriety study material and question bank – Download Sample (Courier charges will be extra) 

You can also buy

  1. UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price). 
  2. UT’s propriety study material and question bank – Download Sample (Courier charges will be extra) 

can also buy

  1. UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price). 
  2. UT’s propriety study material and question bank – Download Sample (Courier charges will be extra) 

You can also buy

  1. UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price). 
  2. UT’s propriety study material and question bank – Download Sample (Courier charges will be extra) 

You can also buy UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price). 

You can also buy UT’s printed answer sheet for writing tests. The answer sheets will be sent to you by courier (Cost of courier is included in the price).